10th April 2018: Psychology and Behavioural Modelling Meetup: Psychological Phenomena; The Experiential Dimensions of Mind, Body and Spirit by Leon Paterson

Come along to the Lighthouse Bookshop (43-45 West Nicolson St, Edinburgh, EH8 9DB) at 7.30pm and take part in the Psychology and Behavioural Modelling Meetup by Leon Paterson.  It is a friendly and informal gathering to discuss topics with nibbles in good company.  It is entirely free and open to everyone

Come and join us for a fun, explorative journey into the behavioural science and psychology of mind, body and spirit. Where we will be both observing and trying on through our subjective experience – the phenomenon of mind, body and spirit. Read more…

Reality Bites by Leon Paterson

“You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth.”

In this short article we will explore the very nature of reality. I will give a number of examples which demonstrate reality not as a fixed thing. But something that is changeable and measurable in different ways. However this is not science fiction or pseudo-science, but based on rigorous scientific testing. So sit tight and take the red pill as you discover the changing reality of your experience. Read more…

14th March 2018: Mood Hacker – Feelings, Emotions and Moods (what are they, how do they work, and how you can manage them better) by Leon Paterson

Come along to Cabaret Voltaire (36-38 Blair St, Edinburgh, EH1 1QR), doors open at 6.30pm and the talk starts from 7pm. Come along for a bite of food, a chance to socialise and learn how to be a mood hacker…


Title of talk:

Mood hacker – Feelings, emotions and moods (what are they, how do they work, and how you can manage them better)
Read more…

Feelings and Emotions are an Essential Part of Our Everyday Experience So Why Do So Many Modern Therapies Try to Get Rid of so Called ‘Bad Feelings’ by Leon Paterson

In this short article we will go beyond the limited psychology research to explore how feelings and emotions work. The variability of emotions will be demonstrated to show that they are not simply on or off – you’re happy or you’re not happy. That in fact emotions increase to a peak and then decrease often through a short space of time. Read more…

Culture Bound Syndromes: Contextualising and Historically Locating Mental Illness by Sonia Soans

I still remember the day we went through the ICD- 10 in the clinical psychology class. Our professor, a practicing and competent clinical psychologist, talked us through the various symptoms that constituted a mental illness. Mental illnesses such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) schizophrenia and depression were assumed to be universal. Extensive studies have been conducted around the world documenting these illnesses. We finally got to the section on culture bound syndromes. Read more…