How to be an Explorer of the World suggested by Rick Hall

How to be an explorer of the world by Keri Smith

As part of the Ragged Library, Rick Hall – Honorary Fellowship at Nottingham University in the School of Education suggested ‘How to be an Explorer of the World’ by Keri Smith (Penguin 2008)…

This is a hand-drawn handbook and collection of creative thinking ideas and activities. Keri Smith has gone on to produce a collection of ‘non-books’ designed to avoid prescriptive thinking – but How to be an Explorer is the first and most open, and in some ways most surprising. A book that we issue as standard to our Ignite! Creative Sparks to provoke alternative ways of connecting ideas.

321 Ignition* by Rick Hall

Hello, I would like to invite you to find out about, and support 3-2-1 Ignition*…I am a writer and consultant in the arts, for young people and creativity in education. Until July 2006, I was Project Leader of Ignite! at NESTA.

Ignite! continues as an independent organisation dedicated to promoting creativity in learning; and I am engaged by Ignite! as Director of Programmes and leads on developing new partnerships.I have worked as a teacher, actor, writer and director of theatre for young people, and was Director of Artswork, the youth arts development organisation from 1991 to 1995 and now act as its Chair.  All this and more has led me to drive forward the current work of 3-2-1 Ignition… Read more…