Experiences of Food Poverty: Contents and Bibliography by Samuel Lindskog

Food poverty is the experience of not being able to acquire and eat a sufficient amount and good enough quality of food and entails a loss of self-respect, causes ill-health and has implications for social relations. This qualitative research has captured some of the complexity and pervasive nature of that lived experience, for people in Brighton and Hove.
The analysis of this study locates the cause of food poverty in structural factors “outside the individual’s ability to manipulate information and money” (Dowler 1998:63), such as rising cost of living, diminishing wages and a welfare system that has failed to support participants through times of extreme vulnerability. Read more…

Experiences of Food Poverty: Methods of Study by Samuel Lindskog

This inductive (Bryman 2012:8,12,111) research project was based on nine in-depth and unstructured interviews carried out between February and May 2014, resulting in rich (Charmaz 2006:10) qualitative data. Seven of the interviews were transcribed verbatim, one was lost due to the audio file being corrupted and another was excluded as the participant was deemed to not have experienced food poverty. Read more…

Experiences of Food Poverty: Literature Review by Samuel Lindskog

This literature review sets out to explore some of the different discussions relevant to the subject of food poverty “in societies where systems for employment or welfare were thought sufficient to ensure universal food entitlement” (Dowler 1998:59), in other words, the industrialised global North, where food poverty is not a question of supply failure (Dowler and O’Connor 2011:45,47).

The review is arranged thematically and deals with the experience of food poverty in particular. Texts by government and charities have been limited to the UK, while some academic studies also look at other countries in the global North.

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Experiences of Food Poverty in Brighton and Hove by Samuel Lindskog

This research project was undertaken to understand the experience of being in food poverty in Brighton and Hove. Participants were recruited through two services supporting individuals in food poverty and by the use of research posters. Data was collected in seven unstructured interviews and analysed using grounded theory techniques.

The research finds that the experience of food poverty is pervasive, complex and affective: participants displayed a range of feelings and employed several emotional coping techniques. While some of these experiences were unique to the city, many of them correlated with earlier findings on food poverty in industrialised countries.­­­­­­
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