Sustainability Lessons From The Global South with Shahid Khan

These lessons are gleaned from Shahid Khan, someone who has worked in human development and sustainability for many years in lots of different contexts.  His work is especially revealing in terms of the subtleties and structural understandings which need to be acted on in order for collective challenges to be met like climate breakdown.  Many of the answers which the world needs are to be found in the Global South in the ancient tried and tested means of, for example, creating ice in deserts. Read more…

Educating For A Better Today: Climate Change In Context – ‘The Importance of Sustainability Education’ by Ewan Tennant

Why is sustainability education important? Let’s talk about the obvious first; preserving the future, reducing resource consumption in light of increasing population demands and catastrophic climate change. Climate change is arguably the single greatest challenge faced by humankind thus far. It is a complex and wicked problem that affects the whole world like few have before [1,2]. As such it needs a very new type of solution, a new form of societal education. Read more…

Embedding Sustainability Across The Curriculum: University of Manchester Community of Practice

At the University of Manchester a community of practice has been set up embedding sustainability across the curriculum and in teaching.  This is a recording of some of the presentations which were given. As the realisation sets in across the globe that we can no longer afford to be wasteful in the way we live, the question is recurring as to what ways of life we transition to and how. Read more…