Historical Document: Glasgow Ragged University
A group of people in Glasgow decided to put on Ragged University events with the help of people across cities to do things like graphic design, webdesign, developing the project documents, publicity, etc… Many events were organised and delivered by Carrie Westwater, David Hughes, David Newman, Heather Sinclair and others. Unfortunately there are no further events planned at the moment in Glasgow as the coordinators there have been focusing on different areas of work. Supreme thanks to them for putting on so many brilliant and fun talks and activities.
The success of the Glasgow Ragged University pilot was considerable. With a few organised, driven individuals so many excellent free social events were arranged with lots of sympathetic venues. In pushing the model of the Ragged project it became clear that it could scale easily – use of available infrastructure and common technology.
The following is a list of events put on in Glasgow by the people of Glasgow…
25th January @ 7-9pm 2011
Folk Night Special: Matt McGinn with acoustic music to follow!
Gallus, 80 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow
27th January @ 6:30 -7:30pm 2011
The past, present and future of stroke medicine
Hillhead Library, Byres Road, Glasgow
7th February @ 7-9pm 2011
Stand Up – can be taught!
The collapse of Roman Britain: Myths and Realities
St Louis Cafe Bar, 734 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow
17th February @ 6:30 pm-7:30 pm 2011
Partnerships in Pride and Prejudice
Hillhead Library, 348 Byres Road (Small Hall)
21st February @ 7-9pm 2011
Parkour; More Than Back flips.
The Immune System
Bar Gambrino, 372 -374 Great Western Road, Glasgow
7th March @ 7-9pm 2011
Blood, Sweat and No Tears: A Brief History of Punk
What does privacy mean to you? Electronic freedom and the value information.
Bar Cherubini, 360 Great Western Road, Glasgow
3rd March @ 5:30-6:30pm 2011
World Book Day, Hillhead Library
8th March 2011
Women and Dance
Chai Ovna, Otago Lane
10th March @ 6-7pm 2011
Aye Write Festival: Structures found in Hip Hop Lyric Writing
Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow
11th March 6-7pm 2011
Aye Write Festival: From page to Performance
Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow
17th March @ 6:30pm-7:30pm 2011
BSL Integrated Signing
Langside Library, 2 Sinclair Drive, Glasgow
22nd March 7-9pm 2011
Environment Matters
Unlocking the mystery of the Pyramids
Wise Monkey, 508 Great Western Road, Glasgow
12th April 2011
7-9pm History of Hip Hop Dance
Dance, Peace, Dance , Joy!
Macsorleys, 42 Jamaica Street , Glasgow
11-14th April (Talk on 14th at 6:30-7:30 pm) 2011
The Life After Iraq Exhibition
Hillhead Library, 348 Byres Road (Main library space)
26th April 7-9pm 2011
Arthritis: jaggy joints and why they happen
Ghost Talks: Early Film Screenings by show people
Blind Pig, 116-122 Byres Road, Glasgow
Fri 3rd June 3pm 2011
Free talk on the origins of the Ragged Schools and The Ragged project.
Jinty’s McGuinty’s , 29 Ashton Lane, G12 855
0141 339 0747
Sat 4TH June 3pm 2011
Free storytelling session for children,
featuring a discussion for parents in ‘active story- playing’.
Dowanhill Park, 46 Havlock Street, G11 5JE
Sun 5th June 3pm 2011
Free demonstration and talk on Parkour.
Kelvingrove Art Galleries, Argyle Street, G3 8AG
(Front entrance facing Glasgow Uni)
0141 276 9559
Mon 6TH June 7:30pm 2011
Free talk on the Famous Jazz artists of the 20th Century
followed by a session in the Beer garden.
Brel, Ashton Lane, G12 8SJ
0141 342 4966
Tues 7th June 6:30pm 2011
Free talk on the ‘The great Human Rights Swindle’
Partick Library, 305 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, G11 6AB
0141 339 1303
Wed 8th June 5:30pm 2011
Free literary hour with readings of ‘Women writing Summer’
Bring along your own writing to share! With a Free performance of
‘The Three Mary’s by Tracy Patrick.
Cottiers Beer Garden, 93 Hyndland Street ,
Glasgow , G11 5PX, 0141 357 5825
Thurs 9th June 6:30pm 2011
Free talk on ‘Detroit Punk’ followed by a night of live music.
Wise Monkey, 508 Great Western Road,
Glasgow , G12 8EL
0141 334 5125
Fri 10th June 4 pm 2011
Free talk and comedy on ‘Stand up to Sitcom’ discussing TV Successes,
TV Failures and those that didn’t bother !
Liquid Ship, 171 Great Western Road , Glasgow, G4 9AW
0141 331 1901
Sat 11th June 6pm 2011
Free Folk Session! Please feel free to bring an instrument, sing and take part.
Liquid Ship, 171 Great Western Road ,
G4 9AW, 0141 331 1901
Sun 12th June 4.30pm 2011
Free walk and talk. Find out about the monuments in Kelvingrove Park on an hour long walk .
Meet at the front entrance of Kelvingrove Art Gallery (facing Glasgow University).
Kelvingrove Art Galleries, Argyle Street, G3 8AG
0141 276 9599
Mon 13th June 7pm 2011
Any new writers out there just looking for a reader?
BYO writing to share at our Ragged Picnic Poetry night.
Brel, Ashton Lane, G12 8SJ
0141 342 4966
Tues 14th June 6:30pm 2011
Free talk on the ways and wonders of ‘Immunology’
Hillhead Library, 348 Byres Road, G12 8AP
0141 276 1618
Wed 15th June 7pm 2011
Free talk and readings, in dedication to the
Ragged Trousered Philanthropist who died 100 years ago this year.
Cottiers Beer Garden, 93 Hyndland Street , G11 5PX
0141 357 5825
Thurs 16th June 7:30pm 2011
Free talk on the origins of Reggae followed by beats.
Liquid Ship, 171 Great Western Road, G4 9AW
0141 331 1901
Fri 17th June 3 pm 2011
Free art workshop in Mansfield Park
Open to all ages, families and ability.
Mansfield Park , 5 Hyndland Street, G11 5QE
Sat 18th June 8pm 2011
Ragged Picnics present a night of performance
with Louna Productions Grim(m) Tales followed by Tam Lin by Martha Findlay.
Kibble Palace, Botanic Gardens,730 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G12 OUE
Sun 19th June 2pm 2011
Free Art Event. A Midsummer’s Nights Dream,
capture characters from the play in water colours ,
charcoal or pen with the help of our resident artist.
Granite stairs at Park Gardens, Meet at
Park Terrace G3 6BY
Mon 20th June 7pm 2011
Free talk and performance of ‘Crofters Backbone’
at tale of the Battle of the Braes on the Isle of Skye with Theatre Found.
Brel, Ashton Lane, Glasgow, G12 8SJ
0141 342 4966
Tues 21st June 6:30pm 2011
BYO Poetry reading session, with feedback and peer support.
Partick Library, 305 Dumbarton Road
G11 6AB
0141 339 1303
Wed 22nd June 5:30pm 2011
Free talk on ‘Two hour away Hill walking for the city dweller’
Ben Nevis , 1147 Argyll Street , G3 8TB
0141 576 5204
Thurs 23rd June 5pm 2011
Free event ‘Make do and mend’ a talk
on the vintage revival and mending session.
Hillhead Library, 348 Byres Road, G12 8AP
0141 276 1618
Fri 24th June 7pm 2011
Free talk on ‘Healing and spirituality in a modern world’
60 Great Western Road G4 9HT
0141 334 8894
Sat 25th June 3pm 2011
Free Talk on ‘How to grow your own veg , in the inner city’
Children welcome to pot a seed to take it home.
Mansfield Park , 5 Hyndland Street,
Glasgow , G11 5QE
Sun 26th June 3pm 2011
Free talk about ‘Tea from around the world with anecdotal stories’
Tchai-Ovna House of Tea,
42 Otago Lane, G12 8PB,
(0141) 357 4524