Music: Collar Up
Collar Up played several gigs in the Edinburgh Festival with Ragged Music when the initial idea was being test run. Utterly professional, driven individuals producing high quality goods. Here is what Muso’s Guide says about them…
Playing to launch their single – A Jam Jar Full Of Wasps – the trio of Collar Up grace the gathered throng with one of their finest performances, aided in no small part by the excellent sound quality that this venue continually achieves. Too often in the past it has proved impossible to hear song introductions and the like, but that curse is dealt with tonight so proceedings pass off pretty much by the book.

The two Stephens and Nora therefore have nothing to concern themselves with other than keeping it note-perfect and tight, living up to the potential so often previously promised. Stephen McLaren’s musical debt to Kurt Weill becomes evident as he is clearly able to relax into the show and give free rein to both his keyboard and vocal duties on the likes of ‘Call Of The Workers’, ‘The Salt Of The Earth’ and, of course, the single. Go see them when they play in your town.
A great opportunity to listen to a catalogue of work:
like ’em on Facebook, support them climbing the search engines
Debut album, “Collar Up”, OUT NOW!! Visit to buy direct from the band using paypal.