28th Aug 2011: Banana Me Beautiful by Emily Dodd

Name of speaker:
Emily Dodd
Title of talk:
Banana me Beautiful
Bullet points of what you would like to cover:
- It brings together a collection of poems and artwork from these three stages of her life: in Emily’s own words, – from banana slug to beautiful bug.
- Innocent: Age 9 to 11
- Lost and Found: Age 15 to 17
- Alive: Age 25 to 28
Suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where further information may be found:
- Emily Dodd releases her first book
- Review of Emily Dodd’s work
- Creative Writing – How to write poetry
- Poetry Resources
A few words about you and your passion:
Banana me beautiful is a book with a difference. It’s a journey of poetry, art and photography by a child, teenager and adult Emily Dodd. Award winning author Emily currently lives and works in Edinburgh where tells stories, delivers Environmental Education, makes podcasts and films and writes for BBC Scotland (CBeebies). As an artist, scientist and writer, she has a unique perspective on the world that gives the book its magic.
Emily is also a keen community volunteer in Edinburgh. She volunteers as a multimedia journalist for award winning hyper-local website Greener Leith and as an Edinbuzz Social Media surgeon. Emily also received an Inspiring Volunteer Award earlier this year and is constantly helping out others in the community.
Website: auntyemily.wordpress.com
Twitter: @auntyemily
Facebook: www.facebook.com/emily.dodd