19th Feb 2013: Wangari Maathai; some lessons for a Steady State Manchester by Judith Emanuel

On the 19th February 2013 Judith Emanuel will be leading a discussion at the Castle Hotel on Oldham Street in Manchester
Table of Contents
Name of speaker and subject:
Judith Emanuel
Wangari Maathai, was the first environmentalist and African woman to get a Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Kenyan Green Belt Movement. The Green Belt Movement works at grassroots, national, and international levels to promote:
- environmental conservation
- build climate resilience
- empower communities, especially women and girls
- and foster democratic space and sustainable livelihoods.
Title of talk:
Wangari Maathai – some lessons from the Global South for a Steady State Manchester
Bullet points of what you would like to cover:
- show a short film about Wangari Maathai and the Green Belt Movement’s work
- give a brief introduction to Steady State Economics and Steady State Manchester
- Explore the relevance of the successes of the Green Belt Movement’s work for introducing Steady State ideas in Manchester
- Consider how we can use this learning
Suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where further information may be found:
Doughnut Economics: Creating a safe and just space for humanity (18 mins);
The Impossible Hamster (I min)
Steady State Manchester: http://steadystatemanchester.net/
The Greenbelt Movement: http://www.greenbeltmovement.org/
A few words about you and your passion:
I have a background in academic and NHS public health and have worked both in Manchester and Zambia. I love public health and have a passion for trying to address equity and community development. I treasure the gift of my connection with Zambia and what I have learnt through it. I am very inspired by Wangari Maathai, by the magic of her story and what she and others who have worked with the Green Belt Movement have achieved. I have had amazing experiences of sharing her story with others. In the last 2 years I have worked an allotment, a new love. I want a world where my grandchildren can live well, achieving prosperity without growth, neither being exploited or exploiting others.
A few lines about the history of your subject:
Judith is part of Steady State Manchester which is developing a plan for a Steady State Manchester. A steady state society and economy is one that aims for human well-being in harmony with the environment. Judith will consider what we can learn from this inspiring woman and the Green Belt Movement to develop a sustainable future within Manchester and in solidarity with the rest of the world
The interdependence of everything; this is about colonialism, underdevelopment, environmental issues, gender issues, politics, climate change. The background is the stories we have been told throughout our lives about many things including economics and the environment which have enabled the world to get into the situation it is in today.