19th Feb 2015: Education and The Permanent Revolution of Reform; A Journey to the Dark Side by Dave Hall

Come along to The Castle Hotel at 7pm to listen to David’s talk. Share a crust of bread, and hear the reflections he has to share…
Name of speaker:
David Hall
Title of talk:
Education and the permanent revolution of reform: A journey to the dark side
Bullet points of what you would like to cover:
- Characterising and analysing the nature of educational reform and modernisation over the past thirty years
- Examining it effects upon young people, educational institutions and those work in them
- Looking to the future and how the educational project might be re-enchanted and enlightened
A (few) paragraph(s) on the subject you’ve chosen to talk about:
I am an educational policy teacher and researcher at the University of Manchester and my work has focused upon the reform and modernisation of the education sector. This research has been conducted in schools, further and higher education institutions and it has led me to work in a variety of locations from England and other parts of Europe to the global south in countries including Mongolia and Malawi. As a university teacher I have developed a series of MA programmes targeted at both UK and international education professionals and I currently teach on the MA Education (International) and MA Educational Leadership programmes as well as supervising a number of education policy and educational leadership related EdD and PhD students.
I spent fourteen years teaching in a variety of schools, VI Form Colleges and FE colleges both in the UK and overseas prior to becoming an educational researcher. This experience of being a teacher in a diverse range of contexts from Manchester, Bolton and Stockport through to the White Nile province of Sudan provided what I believe to have been a rich basis for my later work adopting a constantly sceptical and largely critical approach to the permanent revolution of educational reform in the UK. My talk will focus upon England where I have spent the majority of my time teaching and researching. It will examine not only the effects of these reforms in this particular setting but will look to the future and the ways in which educational institutions might develop and change perhaps even learning a few lessons from the recent past.
Any suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where further information may be found on your chosen topic:
Hall, D. (2013) Drawing a Veil over Managerialism: Leadership and the Discursive Disguise of the New Public Management, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 45 (3), 267-282.
Hall, D., Gunter, H., and Bragg, J. (2012) Leadership, New Public Management and the re-modelling and regulation of teacher identities, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 16 (2), 173-190.