How To Control Cookies Policy

The use of cookies on the Ragged University website has been a subject of much discussion, particularly as new digital eticates and laws to reflect these are emerging. To respond to a necessary transparency, it requires both choice and information.  For this reason, here all the analytic and functional protocols are explained and also the information to control your internet information on a day to day basis is provided.
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Coordinator: Alex Dunedin

Alex Dunedin has no formal education and has been a coordinator of Ragged University from the beginning in 2010.  He is the primary ‘janitor’ of the project spending much of his time finding others who want to get involved in creating public events.  All his years he has learned from friends, community and people who are passionate about their subject and who took the time to share their interest; these are the sources of inspiration that set him on his journey to explore and develop open forms of community learning/education.  Read more…

Music Management

Ragged Music aims to build a directory of Music Managers. If you are a musician or a band who is seeking to make a living from their music then it is important to do your homework and be prepared to present information in the way it is requested. A good book on this is The Music Management Bible put together by the Music Management Forum, which is worth while joining. Also the Unsigned Guide is a great resource..
Going into situations under-prepared and without the required commitment will create problems. If you are committed, self motivated and do what you say you will, then you will where you want to be. Unreliability, a lack of flexibility and an unwieldy ego will lose you friends you want friends where you are going ! Read more…