1906: Letter Officially Appointing C. W. G. Taylor as First Warden of Edinburgh Settlement
C. W. G. Taylor, Esq.
Passmore Edward Settlement,
Tavistock Place,
Dear Mr. Taylor,
It is my pleasant duty to notify you officially you have been unanimously appointed Warden of this Association at a Salary of £160 per annum, plus full Board, including laundry. For the sale of form, the Council think it as well, especially as this is the first year of the Association that you should bind yourself to remain with them for at least one year.
With this exception, they think the best terms would be two months’ notice on either side, kindly let me know whether you are agreeable to this, viz:- two months’ notice on either side, you binding yourself to remain with the Association for one year from the date of your commencing work. It is quite understood of course that you will not be able to come to us until the end of April or beginning of May.
Yours sincerely,
R Scott-Chalmers
Hon. Secretary
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