Recollections of John Pounds: When Mr. Lemmon went on a School Ramble by Reverend Henry Hawkes
“Mr. Lemmon, did you ever go with him on any of these pleasant rambles?” – “Once, seven or eight years ago; I can’t say exactly what year. It was in the spring of the year; in the merry month of May! as Johnny likes to call it. And a very pleasant day’s ramble it was. I remember it all as clear as if it was yesterday. And many’s the time I’ve thought of it with pleasure since.” Read more…
Recovery is a long, windy (Guthrie) Street by Dan Jackson-Yang
Hello Ragged University Readers! I am currently in the midst of a sort of career switch/life (black) sabbatical (eth). I am doing a lot of walking to combat the effects of sciatica, get my blood pressure down and try and to stay active and positive during a difficult time for myself and my wife. Read more…
The Philosophy of Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
Title of talk:
Mutual Recognition
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On Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
Biases In Psychology Which Affect How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Behavioural Reactions to Dissonance and Confirmation Bias
This is the final part of three essays examining how people can be dehumanised through everyday mechanisms of perception. The first part examined Prejudicial and Biased Reasoning as Illogical and Irrational; and the second part explored Implicit and Explicit Bias. In the third part we will examine Behavioural Reactions to Dissonance and Confirmation Bias.
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Recollections of John Pounds: A Ramble to Portsdown Hill by Reverend Henry Hawkes
On the Tuesday morning after the Saturday that John Pounds had arranged to take his scholars a ramble to Portsdown, I wished to speak to him, and went to his shop; but to my surprise I found the door shut. The little tumble-down window was open, and his cat was sitting at it, keeping watch. But there was no sound of children’s voices, and the old man was not there. Read more…