Ragged University as a Mode of Practice: Filter Bubbles and Distinguishing the Intellectual from the Political

The idea of education which I am examining in the model of Ragged University is in part an incidentalist one, in the meeting of the world. I am fiercely aware of the Filter Bubbles which structure our encounters with the world and others, particularly when we are acting in the digital realm which constitutes one of the main mediums of communication and organising. Read more…

Ragged University As An Agnostic, Open, Space For Discussion

Ragged University is not about an organisation presiding over who gets to share or discuss ideas but much more a social enquiry into our means of learning; it is socially and intellectually agnostic. The notion that as an organised practice ‘Ragged University events’ are setting up people as authorities on subjects is a misapprehension of what is happening – events are situations where people have come together to share what they have invested their time in. Read more…

Collider Lesson; How Would You Build Guerilla Education ?

This is an audio recording of John Morrison’s Collider Lesson Plan; How Would You Build Guerilla Education ? Provocation.  It was a session put on by John Morrison a practitioner and researcher working in the Digital Media and Interaction Design group in the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University.  It has been fascinating getting the opportunity to work alongside John as he plans his lessons and curriculum for his students. Read more…