The Premiere of the Film ‘Workers’: A Panel Discussion on Sex Workers Rights

This is a podcast of the film premiere of the film Workers co-authored by Swedish artist and filmmaker Petra Bauer with sex worker led organisation SCOT-PEP (…). It holds in it a recording of the panel discussing the issues which sex workers experience and face in their lives. SCOT PEP is a sex worker-led charity that advocates for the safety, rights and health of everyone who sells sex in Scotland:

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Welfare Reforms and United Nations Report: Grave and Systematic Violations of Human Rights by UK Government

This is a video of the Inclusion Scotland launching their alternative report on the ‘Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Great Britain.  This work has been led by Inclusion Scotland, Disability Rights UK and Disability Wales gathering together information and evidence to be presented at the United Nations council in Geneva. Read more…

Inclusion Scotland press release: Scottish disabled people call for human rights to be met

In advance of a United Nations Committee’s examination of the UK Government’s record on meeting disabled people’s human rights, a new report maps the many ways in which those rights have not been met. Compiled from the views of disabled people themselves, the report reveals the devastating impact of the UK Government’s austerity agenda and demonstrates the need for Scottish Government to take urgent action to implement its human rights pledges. Read more…

An Interview With Dr Tuppy Owens; Human capabilities and supporting disabled people with their sexual lives

Dr Tuppy Owens has long been a part of disabled peoples communities supporting everyone’s right to a sexual life. This interview with the pioneer of The Outsiders Club shares some of the frank work which she has been involved in and the issues which she thinks about.  The disabled community is more often than not disabled by societal attitudes more than anything else.

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Are Scottish Prisons Fit For Purpose: Transcript and Podcast of Panel Discussion

Judith Robertson, Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, brings together a panel of people to discuss some of the issues around the prison system in Scotland. She starts by asking ‘Scottish prisons; are they fit for purpose ? Are they doing the job we want them to do ? Are they doing the job the state wants them to do ? Are they doing the job the Daily Mail wants them to do ? Which job are they doing, on who’s terms, and for whom ?

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