7th Nov 2013: To sleep, perchance to dream: 30 years in the land of Morpheus by Prof Ray Miller


Come along to The Counting House at 7pm for a talk by Ray. Enjoy meeting someone new and sharing a crust of bread. Click here for details

Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us? (A story in three parts)
Part 4:    To sleep, perchance to dream: 30 years in the land of Morpheus
Why do we sleep? How much do we need? What happens in sleep? What are dreams?.

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6th June 2013: We don’t need no Educashun; The brain as a learning machine by Prof Ray Miller


On Thursday June 6th from 7 to 10pm in The Counting House in Edinburgh, please join us for an evening with Ray Miller who will be telling us about the brain as a learning machine

Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us? (A story in three parts)
Part 3:    We don’t need no Educashun: The brain as a learning machine.
How learning develops, intelligence, critical thinking and the do’s and don’ts of study skills.

“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”
― Albert Einstein

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4th April 2013: Barefoot in the Head; How the way we think, feel and behave produces mental and physical health by Prof Ray Miller


Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us? (A story in three parts)
Part 2: Barefoot in the Head: How the way we think, feel and behave produces mental and physical health. Psychological therapies from the couch, through dogs and rats, to mindfulness and positive thinking.

Bullet points:

  • The distressing history of treating problems of mental health.
  • The growth of psychological models of mental well-being.
  • History and development of major psychological therapies.
  • The importance of mental well-being to physical and social health.
  • The growing demand for psychiatric and psychological treatments.
  • What is ‘normal’? Are we pathologising everyday distress?

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Happiness In Practice: A Presentation by Prof. Ray Miller

On the 24th of May in the Counting House, Edinburgh we all had the pleasure of listening to Prof Ray Miller share his passion for thinking about happiness.

Here is the abbreviated text from his presentation so everyone can get the benefit even if they could not make it along Happiness in Practice: a Presentation by Prof. Ray Miller – Practical ways to improve your sense of personal well-being. This is an abbreviated script of a PowerPoint presentation to the Ragged University on 24 May 2012. The presentation and associated material can be downloaded from www.HappinessUK.com.
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