Prospecting Document: Molybdenum Adjunct to Thiamine Therapy in Relation to Alcohol Use

This is a prospecting document examining what is known about thiamine (vitamin B1) in the light of a proposed adjunct therapy of molybdenum to improve its efficacy in alcohol use disorder.  Lots is understood about thiamine and the vital role it plays in metabolising ethanol and carbohydrates.  The document was drawn up to open discussion in the field of addiction and recovery exploring a multifactoral approach to optimise the effectiveness of a known and tested treatment.
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Action Research: The Outcomes Star and Developing Novel Methodologies

What follows is the start of my action research project deconstructing of the Outcomes Star, a metric bureaucracy instated in various support-need junctures which the person receiving support has to fill in and go over with the person who is giving the support. This is one of various types of bureaucracy which people have to face (both citizen and worker).  Read more…

Action Research: The Situation I am In; The View From The Other Side

What follows is the writing up of my lived experience of struggling with the over bureaucratisation of my life.  It became a project when several years ago I realised that I was going between several agencies all tasked with supporting me trying to rehabilitate from a life where I had been homeless.  I fell into what is categorised as ‘multiple needs’. Read more…

Drug-related Harms in Homeless Populations: Response to Call For Evidence and Dialogue

What follows is a submission for Scottish Parliament of perspectives relevant to drug related harms in homeless populations plus correspondence on the submission. There was a call for evidence and participation from people with lived or living experience of drug use. As a part of this initiative, which is feeding into the redevelopment of national policy for the next ten years, I have become a participant in a number of roles and groups; one of them being a contributor to the steering committee of the Drugs Research Network based at Stirling University. Read more…

Disaster Capitalism and War on Drugs: An Interview With Antony Loewenstein and Q+A Session at Recovering Justice

A key aim of Antony Loewenstein’s book and film ‘Disaster Capitalism’ is to examine and reveal the dark and manipulative sides of aid as something which is used to extract profit from misery and disaster.  This article covers an interview with Antony as he did a film screening followed by questions and answers at Recovering Justice in Newcastle.  Disaster capitalism is about how economies have risen out of exploiting war, the criminalisation of populations, illness, natural disaster, and vulnerabilities across the world and on our own doorstep. Read more…

Advocating to End The Drug War: How to Build Successful Advocacy by Michael Collins

Deputy Director at the Drug Policy Alliance’s Office of National Affairs in Washington, D.C, is Michael Collins.  He works with Congress to effect change in legislation on a wide variety of drug policy issues including ‘the war against drugs’, access to sterile syringes for drug users, appropriations, and Latin America. Originally from Glasgow in Scotland, he has lived in France, Spain and Mexico, before he moved to the U.S.

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