Human Beings as Polymathic and Specialisation: Solve et Coagula

What follows are a series of basic notes exploring the nature and problems of specialisation in fields of knowledge. This writing has developed from a series of conversations over the years with people who see as a problem interdisciplinary modes of working instead favouring the strategy that people should compartmentalise their interests and range of intellectual practice to a given area. Read more…

Live Better, Help Often & Wonder More: Presentation for Sunday Assembly

It is a pleasure to speak at Sunday Assembly, and I will be sharing how helping others led me to understanding all I needed to find the community I always wanted.  Starting the Ragged University project of knowledge sharing has been the greatest learning journey that I’ve ever undertaken, and through doing it I quickly came to identify the basic ingredients that I needed for a happy, balanced life. Read more…

Graphic Information Design: Introduction

This is a rudimentary introduction to the field of graphic information design, which when well done can communicate complex knowledge clearly from one person to others. Georgias was the second most noted of the ancient Greek teachers known as the Sophists. In Gorgias’ formulation of knowledge, there is a gap between objects and the mind, and another gap between the mind’s knowledge and the language which would express it. Read more…