Manchester Medical Mission Affiliates to Charter Street Ragged School by Simon Ward

Here are my notes from when I went back to the archive to look up the Manchester Medical Mission which was affiliated to Charter Street Ragged School and Working Girls Home. It was situated on Red Bank which is on the opposite side of the Irk from Angel Meadow and is now called Green Bank. The information was all in the form of year books from 1901 to 1910. Their evangelising seemed a bit more aggressive than their Charter St counterparts and some of the language they used would now look inappropriate.
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Interview With An Educator: Julian Edge

This is an interview with Julian Edge, which took place in Manchester Central Library in July 2015.  Julian Edge has a long and rich career in teaching, and has later moved into counseling, he talks about how he came to education as well as the ways he sees us learning.  In the interview he takes us through the history of how he got into teaching, and where across the world he has taught; all time being drawn back in to learning as he meets a new set of problems. Read more…

Podcast: Dyslexia in Post Industrial Manchester by Roger Broadbent

This is a recording of the talk given by Roger Broadbent in Manchester as part of the Ragged University project.  Dyslexia is a much misunderstood and ignored condition, and this leads to many people being marginalized and forced to the perifery of society.  The screening for dyslexia is almost entirely missing in Manchester leading to swollen prison populations due the disenfranchisement of individuals through a bureaucratic society.
Roger explores how the condition has been wholly dismissed by some politidans leading to a culture of ignorance in policy terms.  Roger works in learning support which is coming under further funding cuts at the moment.  These are his views on his work and how people with dyslexia should be supported Read more…

Manchester Takes Ownership of Ragged University

Hi there, Just to say that there are now 124 people in Manchester Ragged University.  The idea is simple and started five years ago from the realisation that I [Alex] – and some friends [Jes, Grant and Will] – enjoyed meeting in a pub (Rochester Castle, London) and getting the chance to spraff (chat 😉 about what had grabbed our attentions.  We enjoyed sharing knowledge, and it was always an enlightening exchange… and a fun one.

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Podcast: The Ragged Schools of Angel Meadows by Simon Ward

This is a podcast of when Simon Ward gave a talk on the Ragged Schools of Angel Meadows and Manchester.  In the early 1800s, state contribution to education was less than the amount the government spent on the King’s stables. This talk will look at how The Ragged School movement led to the 1870 Education Act and state funding of universal education.
This is a podcast of Simon Ward talking at the Ragged University where he takes a closer look at two of Manchester’s Ragged Schools. Their fascinating history takes us from basket weaving, badminton and bombs to Suffragettes and Coronation Street. Read more…