Asylum Conference Poster: European Network for Democratic Mental Health; Argument of the meeting on the situation in Greece, Thessaloniki 05/25/2017

Greece has become a laboratory for neoliberal policies of the European Union. The brutal imposition of the laws of the financial markets, of counter-reforms aimed at the destruction of public services and of social protection, has led to a humanitarian and political crisis that is worsening day by day, while placing democracy under guardianship in the name of the repayment of an illegal, illegitimate and odious debt. Read more…

From one kind of social prescribing to another kind of social prescribing: a change in focus? by John Sawkins

It has long been apparent to service users that their treatment has very little to do with therapy for the individual, and everything to do with social control, with disinhibition, hyperconnectivity and hypersensitivity being the main causes of concern for society. Thus the individual was treated for the benefit of his or her fellow-citizens, rather than as a means to help him/her recover. Read more…

1980: Edinburgh Settlement; The Need For Psychiatric Day Centres

The Settlement is an arm and hand of friendship which the University, as a community, stretches forth to the wider world of Edinburgh. The University is a tidy and recognisable community in which common interests are readily recognised – not only in learning, and educational matters, organisational and administrative problems, but in preparation for life for some and progress in careers for others. Read more…

A Word For The Social Model of Madness: Psychiatry and The Family

When Shakespeare writes about how family and friends drive us mad, and treat us badly, it is great art – when a psychologist suggests it, then it is an outrage; this is a contradiction we find in our culture. The implications of openly accepting that close and dear ones as a source of malevolence and psychological trauma are extensive. It is the love that we dare not speak its name…? Read more…

What Every Woman Knows: Society By Gas Light

In their bedroom, Gregory becomes impatient and humiliates his wife about making a spectacle of herself in public:

  • Gregory: I’ve tried so hard to keep it within these walls – in my own house. Now, because you would go out tonight, the whole of London knows it. If I could only get inside that brain of yours and understand what makes you do these crazy, twisted things.
  • Paula: Gregory, are you trying to tell me I’m insane? Read more…