Graphic Information Design: Information Design

Information design is the practice of preparing information so people can use it with efficiency and effectiveness. Information design is a part of graphic design. The term has come to be used specifically for the graphic design of displaying information effectively, rather than just aesthetically. The term ‘information design’ emerged as a multidisciplinary area of study in the 1970s. Document design is another summative description of the field. Information design involving creating structure for sets of information in specialized fields. Read more…

Graphic Information Design: Typography

Jan Tschichold, who was a typographer, book designer, teacher and writer who along with Bauhaus typographers such as Herbert Bayer and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, as well as El Lissitzky and many others are all major contributors to graphic design as we know it. Typography is an oft understated contribution to knowledge, like architecture, combining both form and function to produce a carriage of information and language. Read more…

Interview with Richard Smith, Sustainability Manager at BBC

This is an interview with Richard Smith, a sustainability manager at the BBC who’s job it is to work with everybody at the BBC to help collectively reduce the environmental impact of the BBC. And because the main thing which impacts the environment is energy use, that is directly related to climate change and that was why he was in Manchester Museum taking part in the Climate Control exhibitions and events. Read more…

Rowland Urey talks about Psychiatry: Philosopher And Your Friend In Recovery

The grown up person is not a child., the grown up person is an ALIENATED human being, because we do not experience ourselves as the SUBJECT and ORIGINATOR of our own acts. We are FORCED to overcome our Situations for we cannot live as totally alienated humans and remain SANE.
For we have been EMOTIONALLY and SOCIALLY traumatized by our OBJECTIVE life activities reflected SUBJECTIVELY In our HUMAN CONDITION and PSYCHE. Mental Distress is nothing more than a manifestation in humans of a greater malaise brought about by Modern day living Alienation and Isolation. Read more…

Are Psychiatric Drugs Doing More Harm Than Good? Kings College London Maudsley Annotated Debate

This is a commentary, video and transcript of the 52nd Maudsley Debate at Kings College London which is asking the question ‘Are Psychiatric Drugs Doing More Harm Than Good?’.  This is a critical question of our time, and as prescriptions for psychiatric medications sore along with drug company profits, the civic, scientific and medical worlds are driven towards analysing the efficacy of their use. Read more…